Coupe de Ville

Movie #16

Date Released: 3.9.90

Date Watched: 6.6.2020


This movie started out a little choppy and never turned into a full on Stand By Me, but it is a sweet and sad and endearing movie about family and brothers, in particular. The cast is very strong and well acted by Alan Arkin, Daniel Stern (who is in one of my all time favorite movies, Breaking Away), Arye Gross, and Patrick Dempsey. Stern overacts and is a bit clunky some of the time, but given the short run time of the movie, his more extreme portrayal may have been called for. 

I was pleased with Coup de Ville and surprised there was an early(ish) Patrick Dempsey movie I had not seen. He really did have some talent. Arye Gross got caught in a lot of B Movie action, I feel, and I think that may have prevented audiences from seeing some of his better stuff. He was quite good, too. I enjoyed it.

Publishing Notes:


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